Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Craigslist got me into this time...

I was surfing Craigslist as I often do and I found an ad under the 'volunteer' section looking for someone to volunteer at the box office of the Majestic Theatre.

I've worked box offices before (at the Great American Beer Festival and the Telluride Bluegrass Festival), and I could sure use an excuse to leave the house and interact with humans, so on impulse, I responded.

After exchanging a few e-mails and stopping by and meeting the house manager during the week, I agreed to give it try on Saturday (yesterday). It was good fit, so I volunteered to do it every Saturday morning.

This is not the first time Craigslist got me involved in Corvallis. About this time last year I met up with a group of folks that wanted to form a non-religious community gathering group (what I've referred to somewhat misleadingly as an Atheist Church). I really enjoyed the Corvallis Sunday Group while it lasted. Perhaps someday I'll try to contact those folks to see if we can try to re-establish it.

I should also mention that Craiglist is where I found my current job.

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