Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

1. Make a quilt.

OK, so that was my 2008 resolution, and I didn't follow through with it. I bought a house and was preoccupied with it and it's accompanying garden. So I'll make another one for 2009:

2. Learn to can.

One thing I learned about Oregonians is they are all about sustainability and self-sufficiency. Gardening, cooking and preserving are all part of that. So is sewing and making use of fabric scraps.

Also, we've been considering raising chickens. Seriously. But I want to focus on gardening, canning, and quilting this year. Maybe the chickens could be next year's resolution.


  1. Your aunt Betty is in the chicken business You have to get with her on the subject. She has some hilarious stories!! Maybea I will e-mail them to you or blog them. Anyway. Happy New Year and good luck with the canning idea. That sounds like work but good. Your Grandma canned everything. Maybe you have it in your DNA. Love Mom

  2. I want chickens, but your Scrooge of a brother said the homeowners association would kick me out of the neighborhood if I got them....

  3. Hi me brother!
    Another holiday spent with family talking about all the blogging. I decided to finaly check.-Speaking of check, where's the spell checker on these things?
    I thought I could just search on your name and away we go.
    You have a very popular name.
    What was really weird was that there were strong ties to Catholics, academic awards and athletic stuff. Turns out there is a failry bright kid in Minnisota or someplace, that goes to Catholic school and plays on the sports teams. He accounted for most the listings.
    I found one postings about atheist and figuered I's found you.

    Am I supposed to keep this about chickens?

    P.S. The profile check counter really works, I tested it
