Another quilt I designed on EQ7 this weekend:
It's another alternative tiling like the Rhombi-Tri-Hex quilt I posted yesterday. This one's called snub hexagonal tiling (I just call it Snub-Hex). I used the same workaround that I did with last one; I designed a custom block that would tile on a grid. But the smallest segment of the pattern that would repeat on a grid turned out to be big enough to be the entire quilt (a small quilt anyway).
Some alternative colorings:
I wouldn't piece the larger equilateral triangles out of the four smaller ones; I'd just make it one patch. I like how this gives each patch a more equivalent size. It makes the pattern elegant and balanced.
Here, too, I would combine the two small brown triangles into a single rhombus patch. Notice if the rhombus was a square, it would be a Rhombi-Tri-Hex.
My favorite of these is Gradient Heat. I think you should call the last one "Pepperoni Pizza"